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The Novus Proprius Chronicles ​

The Novus Proprius Chronicles is the first series from JM Lee, published when she was 13 years old. It has been beloved by all ages, from tweens to grandparents! The trilogy was completed as a young adult and is now available in a special edition hardback. Gets yours on Amazon! 


Set in a dystopian future society, the main character is a teenage werewolf who has been led to believe that all humans are extinct. Follow Zaina on her journey as she tries to discover the truth and defeat her enemy! 


Genre: Middle Grades/YA Dystopian Fantasy 

"The Novus Proprius Chronicles" 
The complete trilogy 

Following a global environmental disaster, the world is no longer what it was. What remains of our world has been reduced to small islands, each inhabited by unique creatures. Humans no longer top the food chain, and must watch out for beasts that rule the skies and roam the land. If this were not enough, an unknown force threatens to destroy what remains. Follow Zaina’s journey over “The Novus Proprius Chronicles” Trilogy as she meets new friends, battles her foes, and slowly slips into madness.​

When October Ends 

Book 1 of the Novus Proprius Chronicles ​


After an environmental disaster, the world is no longer what it seems. Humans no longer top the food chain. Now they must watch out for beasts that rule the skies and roam the Earth. Not only has the world’s inhabitants changed but so has its shape. On top of it all, an unknown force is threatening to destroy the Earth completely. The fate of the world rests in the hands of one simple teenage werewolf....but is she ready?​



Book 2 of the Novus Proprius Chronicles ​


As if life wasn't hard enough for Zaina, the government has now created a new mutant: Felines. Incredibly strong and much larger than the werewolves, they pose a serious threat. As Zaina wonders if she can trust her new Feline friend Daisy, she must also face her worst enemy. Problem is, who is it?Chasing is the second book of the Novus Proprius Chronicles by author JM Lee.​

Novus Orsa 

Book 3 of the Novus Proprius Chronicles ​


Zaina is beginning to slip into madness. With every second that passes, she can feel herself fading. Everytime she thinks she can count on her friends, they seem to turn into the monsters she fears the most. Will Zaina finally vanquish the evil she was destined to battle? Or will she question her very existence? Is reality even what she thought it was? Novus Orsa is the third and final novel of the Novus Proprius Chronicles. Find out how this riveting series comes to an end.

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