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Short Stories 

HCS Publishing has published 3 anthologies, each with their own unique themes. Authors from HCS Publishing each submitted their own stories based on their own styles of writing. JM Lee's works are featured in the anthologies below. Keep reading to find out more! 

Dark & Stormy: Sixteen Tempest-Tossed Tales  â€‹

JM Lee's horror short story "Countdown" is featured in this anthology from HCS Publishing. 


"Sixteen stories strike the same opening chord: “It was a dark and stormy night”. From there, these stories are as diverse as they are intriguing. Here you will find magic and mayhem Viking-style, the woes of parenting a supernatural child, and a twisted tale of pastoral murder. There are post-apocalyptic enhancements, warnings from beyond the grave, and close-up glimpses of a long-past war. Cats wind their way around your attention, along with a grateful ghost and a love-sick dabbler in the magical arts."

Shadows & Mist: Twelve Terrifying Tales​​


JM Lee's horror short story "Rite of Passage" is featured in this antholgoy from HCS Publishing. 


The butler has just delivered your cucumber sandwiches and tea. The old, gothic clock above the mantle strikes the noon hour. Twelve hours to kill until the hands make their rounds and announce a new day. Taking a sip of your Earl Grey, you reach for the book. Like the clockface above your mantle, the book contains twelve stories, measured doses of thrill and excitement. Your journey starts, most appropriately, with a unique coming of age story by JM Lee. Ms. Lee’s first book launched HCS Publishing, her work the inspiration needed for her patron and father to forge the publishing company. Without her, this culmination would never have been imagined. As the pages turn, you will come upon another story set in childhood; Nicole Ordway allows us to glimpse what could happen if sibling rivalry could pair with the supernatural. A man of the cloth with a fiendish devotion will chill you to the bone in Stephen Chapman’s story, “The Inquisitor.” Jeanne Wilkins takes us to opulent, beautiful cruelty in “The Bargain” and then you are led deep into a dangerous wood, made even more treacherous by ambition as you step on the path with Matt and Lori DeLoach. The creative talent of the duo known as Valentine Wolfe show us that sometimes music is the savage beast, and Hunter Royall teaches us to choose our words ever so carefully when making a bargain with the fae. Hogglesnot the Troll will learn that sometimes your greatest desire can cost too much, a lesson presented by David Lee. Fred El Maafer’s lyrical poetry questions the nature of our beloved steampunk genre, his poem is presented in both English and French. If you are lucky enough to remember a show called The Twilight Zone, you will not be disappointed with the chilling screenplay presented by Michael Parodi. “D.A.I.S.Y.” by Charlie Stayton will steal your heart as the steel companion of a brilliant young scientist. Taking you to the midnight hour on our literary clock, D. M. Patterson reimagines the dark, sooty, unscrupulous world that might be the real setting for a popular nursery rhyme. These are the tales from the darker imaginations of the HCS family. We thank you with all our hearts for supporting us and hope you find delightful diversion in them. Just a thought, you may need the butler to stiffen your drink a bit along the way.Jeanne L. Wilkins, Editor/Author

Artwork by Seth Cockerham
Steam & Steel: Thirteen Riveting Tales​​​

JM Lee's steampunk inspired short story "Mabel" is featured in this anthology from HCS Publishing. ​


We invite you to find a comfortable spot and settle in for thirteen remarkable stories based on the imagination of the authors of HCS Publishing. This anthology focuses on our love of the Steampunk genre and each individual’s interpretation of bringing gadgets to life. Tales of time travel, war, mechanical mermaids, flying apparati, finding love, and losing loved ones, we hope will entertain and inspire you.
Are you ready?

Artwork by Seth Cockerham
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