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JM Lee is a YA, fantasy, and horror author. Her first book, When October Ends, was published when she was 13. In later years, she published the second and third book of the "Novus Proprius Chronicles" and a variety of short stories. 


Currently, JM Lee lives in Gloucester, Virginia. After finishing high school, she attended Western Governors University and majored in Education. She now teaches 6th grade English and hopes to inspire her students the way her middle school teachers inspired her. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, she hopes to help others with her stories! 


She's currently querying her "Clockwork Angel" meets "Belladonna" Victorian Fantasy novel titled: Curse of the Blood Queen. See the "WIP" page to learn more! 


To keep up with JM Lee, follow her on Instagram @jmleebooks

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